
A variety of amenities are available to ensure you have a pleasant stay.

  • *
    Some items are limited in number. If you have any requests, please share them at the time of your reservation.


Women's toiletry set (foaming cleanser, lotion, emulsion, makeup remover, women's amenity), men's toiletries (hair tonic, hair styling liquid, aftershave lotion), sewing set, bath gel, contact lens solution, and other amenities.

Items available upon request

Humidifier, DVD player, mobile phone charger, extra pillows, pajamas, jogging clothes and running shoes, air cleaner, pants presser, and other items.

  • We offer a selection of different types of pillows for your use (buckwheat hull, feather, or low-resilience pillows)
  • Other items are also available. Please feel free to ask us if you happen to be in need of a particular item.

Items for children

Child toilet seat, stool, Japanese light kimono, pajamas, slippers, and toothbrushes

Reserve / Inquiry

Reserve a Room


Inquiry Form

  • *
    Telephone inquiries are accepted
    with pleasure 24 hours a day.


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