SustainabilityMessage from the President
Contributing to the development of a sustainable international society as Japan's flagship hotel
The Imperial is currently developing a reconstruction plan for the Imperial Hotel Tokyo site and towards the Tokyo Cross Park vision, where we are aiming to realize a next-generation smart city in collaboration with ten companies in the Uchisaiwai-cho 1-chome district whose roots are in this area. As we advance these preparations, we are looking ahead to new value creation and a sustainable future.
Similarly, we are also steadily advancing the SDGs-based activities of our Sustainability Management Committee, which is now three years old.
As a measure for climate change, in FY2022, we announced a decarbonization road map, in which we aim towards the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2050 with the goal of reducing CO2 emissions at all of our operating sites by 40% in total from the FY2013 level by 2030. Also, in efforts to realize a recycling-based society, we also promoted the reduction of our plastic use and food loss. Furthermore, in order to pursue sustainable and responsible procurement activities together with our trading partners, we have formulated and begun to implement a group-wide Sustainability Procurement Policy.

As a result of these efforts, in March 2023, we received the highest rating in the international certification for accommodation facilities that practice SDGs.
The rebuilding of the Imperial Hotel Tower will begin next year, in 2024, and then after the opening of the new tower in 2030, we will begin a rebuilding period for the main building. We also plan to open a hotel in Kyoto in 2026.
In our medium- to long-term management plan up to 2036, we stated that our vision is to "evolve the Imperial Hotel brand, with people at its pinnacle." As a ''Made in Japan'' hotel, we will pursue sustainability together with our customers, work to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, and strive to further enhance our corporate value, so that this leads to the growth and development of the hotel business, which is our core business. We will continue to fulfill those roles and responsibilities in order to contribute to the international community as we continue our business to our 150th anniversary in 2040.
Hideya Sadayasu
President & Chief Executive Officer