SustainabilityHuman Capital and Diversity

Maximize the abilities of a diverse range of human resources to build the next 100 years

The Imperial Hotel opened on November 3, 1890 to serve as Japan's "State Guest House."

With the aim of making it the best hotel in the world, we employees working here have a mission to carry on this brand and carve out a future for the next 100 years, and for the 100 years beyond that.
In order to realize human capital management, the Imperial Hotel Group is working to maximize the abilities of its diverse human resources and is pursuing various initiatives.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being, Goal 5: Gender Equality, Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Five Themes for the Promotion of Human Capital and Diversity

  1. 1.
    Workplace culture reform to make diversity an organizational strength (Creation of dialogue)
  2. 2.
    Work system reform (Improvement of productivity)
  3. 3.
    Human resource development (Investment in human resources)
  4. 4.
    Health management (Revitalization of individuals)
  5. 5.
    Active roles for diverse human resources (Women, people with disabilities, the elderly and global human resources)

Human Resource Development Policy

The starting point for the sustainable growth and development of a business is its people.

Our company believes that the key to enhancing corporate value is to develop talented employees and encourage their growth, and that improved customer satisfaction comes from having a diverse range of human resources who demonstrate their individual strengths regardless of age, gender and nationality.
In order to continue to improve our corporate value and customer satisfaction, we will continue to develop human resources based on the following policies.

  1. 1.
    The human resources must understand the founding spirit and tradition of the Imperial Hotel and be capable of providing the highest level of service and products
  2. 2.
    The human resources must realize innovation and transformation while accurately and effectively reflecting the trends of the times and emerging technologies in our business, to work toward sustainable development
  3. 3.
    The human resources must be from diverse cultural backgrounds and have diverse values, and must accept and utilize diversity so that it leads to the further growth and development of our group

Work Environment Policy

The growth of each individual employee is directly linked to the development of the company, so we have established a system in which employees can work autonomously to improve their own abilities.
We are also working to create an environment in which a diverse range of employees can continue to work with peace of mind, to enable them to continue to provide excellent services and products.

1. Creating an environment for ability improvement

  1. (1)
    Providing language training and support for studying abroad
  2. (2)
    Development of a financial aid system for self-development (qualification acquisition and correspondence courses)

2. Creating an environment where people can continue to work with peace of mind

(1) Health management
Promote the health of employees from both physical and mental aspects.
(2) Compatibility support
Create a system that provides more days off work than the legal limit, to help employees work-life balance such as child care and nursing care with their work.
(3) Workplace environment
Create an environment in which it is easy for employees to use the various systems, by providing training and internal communication so that employees understand the significance and purpose of the systems.

Indicators and target values

Indicator Target value
Employee Training Training expenses per permanent employee Up 30% from FY2018 by FY2027
Liquidity Turnover rate Down 20% from FY2018 by FY2027
Diversity Percentage of employees hired who are female 50% or more every year
Difference in average years of service between men and women Less than four years by FY2027
Rate of employment of people with disabilities Maintain a level above the statutory employment rate
Other Number of employees sent abroad
(for training at overseas hotels, participation of employees in international competitions, etc.)
Up 50% from FY2018 in FY2027

Targets and actual results

Targets 2023 results
Promotion of opportunities for female workers Number of female managers is 20% of total by end of April 2027% 77 people (+1) 17.3% (+0.9 pt)
(as of April 1, 2024)
Child care and nursing care support Number of male employees taking childcare leave is 75% of total by end of April 2027(upward revision) 14 people (±0) 53.8% (+5.5 pt)
(as of March 31, 2024)
Employment of people with disabilities Number of people with disabilities employed is at least the statutory employment rate of 2.30% As of FY2023, achieved 2.6% (±0)
(maintained for 19 consecutive years)

Number of female managers

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number (persons) 47 52 53 55 54 59 67 73 77
Percentage 11.8% 12.7% 12.6% 13.1% 12.8% 13.5% 15.1% 16.4% 17.3%

Number of employees on childcare leave

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total number of male and female employees (persons) 27 25 34 21 41 31 37 38 38
Number of female employees 26 21 29 17 32 22 23 24 24
Number of male employees 1 4 5 4 9 9 14 14 14
Male employees taking childcare leave (%) 2 9 10 7 20.9 23.1 33.3 48.3 53.8

Executive message

The Imperial Hotel is a company where it can be said that "people are everything." The ability of employees to work actively with good physical and mental health leads to good service and products.
This is the purpose of "human capital management" and is a key management issue for our company. For persons suffering from mental health problems, which are on the rise nationwide, we have introduced a stress check and a return-to-work support program to provide step-by-step support.

Atsushi Tokumaru, Representative Director and Managing Director, Responsible for SDGs Promotion