SustainabilitySDGs Goals / Decarbonization Roadmap
We will further evolve the Imperial Hotel brand, with people at its pinnacle, as Japan's flagship hotel, retaining the spirit of the company's founding, to build a structure ensuring corporate continuity under all circumstances as we look forward to our 150th anniversary year in 2040.
1.Evolution of Grand Hotel
To enhance the strength of our brand through hardware renewal with reconstruction of Imperial Hotel Tokyo and humanware enrichment by strengthening human resource development
2.Stable growth as a company
Strengthen our earning capacity and financial base by expanding our real estate and other businesses in order to establish a solid structure for our hotel business in the future
3.Resolution of social issues
To maximize our contribution to the SDGs in all of our corporate activities
Promoting decarbonization by switching the total amount of electricity used to "CO₂-free"

Following the achievement of the Kamikochi Imperial Hotel’s carbon neutrality in FY2022, the Imperial Hotels in Tokyo and Osaka will also work to suppress CO₂ emissions by switching to virtually CO₂-free electric power through the use of FIT non-fossil certificates from October 2023, in an effort to reduce CO₂ emissions while promoting energy conservation.
Climate Change Initiatives (Reduction of CO₂ Emissions)
We aim to reduce CO₂ emissions [Scope 1+2] at directly managed workplaces by 40% (compared with FY 2013) by FY 2030 and achieve effectively zero emissions by FY 2050.
Reduction of environmental load by introducing the latest technologies in new hardware
Promotion of energy conservation activities and verification of sustainable energy introduction
Analysis and countermeasures for business risk in line with the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures) framework